Thursday, 16 February 2012

DIY Dog House 狗屋

Pity my dog too hot during hot season and get wet during heavy rain. During a weekend previously, we managed to get sometimes to DIY a dog house for her. After hubby and I discussed the for the structure, I drafted it out and start work. Unfortunately, I had threw the drafting cant post up, but its just a simple structure.
Once get it done, we tried to let her know whats the dog house for. Finally, she knew the purpose on it and once we command "home" she will get into her house. Its funny.

可怜我家狗狗大热天和狂风暴雨时没有容身之所, 我俩就趁假日给它做个狗窝。讨论好结构,把草图画好, 就动工啦!半天时间就完成了, 只是个简单狗屋。狗屋完成了还得教会狗狗狗屋为何物呢! 一开始, 狗狗还以为是个玩具。还好, 第二天就开始知道进去避热了。而且,每当我们说"home"它就会跑进狗屋去。粉可爱!

Monday, 13 February 2012

吃吃喝喝@韩国 F&B@Korea

Korean food is famous in BBQ style. The most expensive bbq we tried was Black pork bbq at Black Pork Street, Jeju Island. Its can be a better price at other places like Hallim Park or out of that street. The most worthy bbq we tried was a restaurant on the way towards Hauendae Beach from subway, KRW9,500 for 2pax. There is a minimum order for korean bbq. Hubby & I were very fulled cause we cant eat much. ^^   

Dak galbi we tried at Myeongdong Market was in reasonable price and nice! And out of Korean food, Japanese food also very common in Korea. Surprisingly, those Japanese restaurants we had visited were cheaper than the Korean local food.

We also bought bento or sushi from those convenient shop like GS25 & Family Mart when we were run out of time or lazy to look for a restaurant. Its price is reasonable & normally sold if its too late.

We were too keen to having our meals,  always forgot to take a shoot on it. ^^

Lunch nearby Namsan Guest House

卤猪。好吃!^ ^


Bump-in Cream Bun.

Chicken Roll with hot dog. 也不太喜欢,吃起来干干的。
Ginseng Chicken Soup within 10mins walking distance from Gwanghwamun. Long Q maybe promoted by Korea tourism but there will be something better.

Menu & price for Ginseng chicken soup.

Dak Galbi @ Myeongdong street.


Sour plum alcohol drinks can be easily get from GS25 or Family Mart with cheaper price.
Banana milk is quite famous in Korea. This is nice until forgot to take a shoot. Picture from

This is not bad too. Get it from Lotte Mart with a very good price.

The taste of tea. Its good !

Japanese restaurant called " Obento ". Nice !

Obento's menu

Obento's menu
Nice plum bought at Dongdaemun market @ KRW2,000.

Big rice ball "Jumukbap" at a restaurant just next to subway exit of Noryangjin Fish Market.

Jumukbap with tuna fish inside @ KRW1,500.

Fresh & "live" seafood bought at Noryangjin Fish Market in KRW35,000. A big scallop as big as my palm!


Friday, 10 February 2012

一起去旅行>韩国 Let's travel @ Korea

2011年的九月,姐姐计划带着老公和4岁大的男孩和爸妈去韩国。我也好久都没陪爸妈去旅行了, 就和老公也跟着去了。本来说陪爸妈去, 结果是妈妈陪搭车了。可能因为是自由行太累,还是妈妈年纪大了关节不好走不动咯!妈妈,辛苦了!陪父母去旅行记得要趁早哦!

本来我们打算交给旅行社,因为有小孩和年长的父母的关系。 可是几家旅社价钱都蛮贵而且都是只能8日游首尔或者济洲 和釜山选其一等等等。。。 最后我们惟有自由行了。

我们一行7人, 6大1小就这样开始了我们的十日韩国之旅。为了预算好费用, 早早就得把行程, 住宿 和交通计划好。首先我们在首尔逛了两天然后飞到济洲岛逗留两天半再飞到釜山去。 大概逗留了一天半就搭高速火车(KTX train )回到首尔再住上两天, 来个终极血拼。

结果一个人吃喝玩乐的费用只需要RM2,300左右。当然, 购物另计咯! 我和老公只花了RM900来买一些礼品,化妆品,衣服和包包。

整个旅程对我们夫妻俩来说实在有够累的, 因为只有我们俩搭地铁其他的刚好一辆的士。 我们必须一直上上下下那看似走不完的楼梯级去搭地铁, 然后再到指定地点与他们集合。

 首尔 Soul

AREX > Airport transit from Incheon to Soul in only 43mins & KRW13,000.

Chungmuro 巴士站 > Bus 2 or Bus 5 direct bus to Namsan Mountain/ N Soul Tower. 搭巴士不但比较划算,路上景色还很不错呢!
天色阴阴沉沉的 N Soul Tower.

Sweet sweet ^^

Teddy Bear Museum > 弟弟好陶醉哦!

Royal Changing of the Guard Ceremony.


Insadong 的一个屋顶。

Cheongyecheon Stream清溪川
Tourism Center @ Cheongyecheon Stream  > Free wear korean traditional custom "Hanbok" for taking photo.

Royal guard marching for Cheongyecheon Stream events.

Korean style snacks on that event. 韩式茶点

Namdaemun Market was not open during Chusok Festival. 冷清清哦!

Namsangol Hanok Village

Namsangol Hanok Village

Namsangol Hanok Village > free entrance fees due to Chusok Festival . 除了免门票还有很多节目和表演呢!


Myeongdong Market > 就在我们住的Namsan GuestHouse对面而已。

Free market in the morning @ Hongik Area.


  Full of handcrafts, arts & etc.

Hongik @ night

晚上的Hongik 很多clubs & bar, 热腾腾的。也有走可爱路线的cafe, 就像这家Hello Kitty Cafe。

Hello Kitty Cafe

早上的free market 到了晚上就变成了热热闹闹的Band performance。

Free tickets from CheongyecheonTourism Center > Korea In Motion Festival @ Korea National Museum. A combination of all awarded Korea's performances.


Traditional stage performance.

Korea Opera



Super Junior

Ehwa Womens University

Ehwa Womens University

Shopping Street infront of Ehwa Womens University.

便宜又多选择, 不错去哦!

We stayed at Yeha Guest House which nearby the bus terminal of Jeju-si within 10mins walk. Its important to stay nearby the terminal if decide to take bus as a main transport for travel around Jeju. But, Yeha got problem on water transfer to the upper levels. Stay higher less water in the bathroom. Therefore, we gotto took bath at the ground floor bathrooms.
Besides, there is no lift in the building since the building itself not too high. But there will be problem for little kid & old fox in our group.

我们住在很bus terminal 的Yeha Guest House. 大概走路不到十分钟就到了。 Yeha 唯一的缺点就是水压有问题。住楼上的没水洗澡必须要到楼下公用的洗手间去。另外, 就是没用升降机。要是像我们有小孩和老人家住得太高问题就大了。老人家上了楼都没力气下楼咯!

Yeha Guest House 
Miniature Park can be skip. 没有非去不可理由。

Mystery Maza ,Virtual Tour > Miniature Park 的对面。
Jeju~do mascot > Dol Hareubang "The Stone Grandfather"

Cheongjeyeon 1st waterfall

Rainbow on path. 沿路的彩虹
Cheongjeyeon 2nd waterfall
Cheonje-roo (Bower) 天帝楼
Cheongjeyeon 3rd waterfall

No. 100 bus from car park exit bus stop @ Cheongjeyeon waterfall. 巴士到站后得走一段斜斜的路, Oedolgae 就到啦!




Ilchubong 日出峰。

Traditional clock.

Half peak of Ilchubong. 日出峰半山。

The peak of Ilchubong. 日出峰山顶。

Horse riding service @ Ilchubong.

Sun rise time table every months for the year. 日出时间表。

Seopjikoji  > around 15mins from Ilchubong by taxi. There is no bus to getting there.

Seopjikoji > 韩剧拍摄热点。

Hallim Park > a theme park nearby beaches. Suitable for children & old fox.

Hallim Park
A huge bonzai @ Hallim Park Bonzai Garden.

Dongmun Market. 东门传统市场。


Black Pork Street “ 黑猪一条街”
 Saloon at  Black pork street also called BABI (pig) Hair Shop. 黑猪街之猪发廊。

 Jeju-si night view.

釜山 Busan
Busan Shopping Street

Jagalji  > Port View

Jagalji Street Market

Jagalji  Fish Market

The world largest department store > Shinsegae

Gwangli Beach

Gwangli Beach

Haeundae beach

Haeundae beach

Haeundae beach