Italian Biscotti also known "Biscotti di Prato" or "Catuccini". Is a twice baked biscuits originating in the Italian city of Prato. It is healthy, no oil, no food additives and low sugar in this biscotti recipe. My gsd love the almond so much!
意 大利脆饼是一种传统意式饼干。下午茶的时候配着咖啡一起慢慢享受,特写意。在这食谱里没有任何食物添加剂, 无油和少糖, 健康又不怕胖,而且狗狗也能吃。香香的杏仁,狗狗口水直流呢!做法不难但是需要烤两次,第二阶段还蛮费功夫的。除了要把烤好的面团切成薄片, 还得排列好再烤一次。可能我比较喜欢吃薄薄的, 所以比较费功夫。
Ingredients :
- 120gm 杏仁whole almond
- 120gm 面粉shifted flour
- 90-120gm 砂糖castor sugar
- 3 nos 蛋白egg white
1. Whisk egg white until foamy add in castor sugar and whisk until stiff.
2. Add in shifted flour and whole almond mix well.
- 拌入筛过的面粉和杏仁, 拌均。
3. Pour into a dish with foil.
- 倒入铺了锡纸的烘盘。
4. Bake in 180'C for 30mins.
- 以180'C 烘烤至30分钟。
5. Let it cold, wrap up with foil and keep in the fridge until next day. Or put it in the freezer if you want to keep it longer.
- 待冷却后, 拉起锡纸包好放入冰箱到隔日。如果想收久一些就得冷藏它。
6. Use a sharp knife, cut it into thin slices.
- 用利刀切成薄片。
7. Arrange slices onto the baking tray. Bake at 130'C for 45mins.
- 排入烤盘里以 130'C for 40mins.
8. Leave it cool completely and store into a airtight cookie jar.
- 待完全冷却后,必须置入在 不透气的罐子里。
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