We decided to visit Norway for the coming holidays. Norway is located next to Göteborg, no regret that we planned to go somewhere further away, Flam. Somewhere looks like relax-able with awesome sceneries that we never experience with.
Finally, we made our plan into reality. We took 3 hours Swebus from Göteborg to Oslo S, Norge. We reached about 5.30am and the day getting bright. There were not much people at the bus station. Maybe we were still blur from woke up, we took sometimes to find the railway station which actually just behind of the bus station and connected with a link bridge. @.@
After we found the boarding line to Bergen, we started to walk around the station. 17th May is Norwegian Constitution Day. There were many people wearing costumes and coming all around to Oslo to celebrate, its happening.
Norge well known as a rich country but there are still many tramps napping in the station. Officers kept patrolling and driving away them from taking few seats for nap. Therefore, it is not a good idea to plan to overnight here in order to save cost. Main point is not all the station open 24 hours as well.
经过我们的精心规划, 梦想终于成真了!
凌晨从哥德堡(Göteborg)搭巴士到奥斯陆(Oslo)只需要三个半小时。5.30am 抵达, 天也亮了。 人很少, 费了些时间才发现火车站原来就在巴士站后面。 而且还连接着一条行人桥。可能我们睡得神志不清的让我们绕了个圈。 呵呵~ 确定了开往卑尔根(Bergen)火车的位置,终于可以安心到处逛咯!
五月十七日,正是挪威(Norway)的国庆日。一大早, 车站里里外外都是身穿传统服装的人们。大家都为了欢庆国庆从各地而来。热闹得很!
Bergen line.
Bergen train with nice & clean cafe.
火车上也提供咖啡座, 饿了也不用担心。
本来为了节省时间打算乘搭飞机到卑尔根(Bergen)再从那里乘游轮到弗拉姆(Flåm), 可是临时买票很不划算。 幸好曾考虑过驾车而搜寻过路线, 地图显示路线围绕着雪峰而火车路线也略有雷同。 对我们来说可是新体验,搭火车不但不费神还可以尽情享受美景应该是不错的选择。
本以为火车只是穿行于山脚绕着雪山,没想到火车一路往雪上行驶。一幅幅雪景映入眼帘,说是一列Scenery Train也不为过。 这是我们才研究起路线小册来。
当火车越是往上行驶越见雪花纷飞, 景色也开始朦胧起来。
可能昨晚下了场大雪, 厚厚的雪乘客们寸步难移。
Reached Mydral finally.
Mydral at an altitude 865 meters, the station still surrounded by snows in middle of May.
Flamsbana Railway is one of the most beautiful railway in the world. Most of its tunnels were excavated manually.
弗拉姆的火车Flamsbana是传说中世界景色最美的铁路之一。除此之外, 它的隧道大部分都是手工挖掘的哦!
Every Flamsbana decorated with Norge flags due to Norwegian Consitution Day.
Waterfall at Kjosfossen, its will look awesome if visit during summer. Flamsbana will short stop here.
这是闻名的中站瀑布。Flamsbana 会在这里Kjosfossen停留一阵子。进入六月,旅游旺季时还会有个女郎在远处高歌呢!
The waterfalls is not that imposing as summer cause its still in winter end. But we can always heard the snows melted like a thunder.
拍摄照片的当儿还属冬天, 这些瀑布并没有像夏天时的壮观。可是住在弗拉姆小镇的时候常常听见冰雪融化的声音,好像雪崩一样有点怕怕。
Greenery start can be seen when almost reach Flam.
Flam Station.
Welcoming by Norwegian magical dwarf at Flam Station.
Goats can be easily found around Flam.
Every goat is wearing a little bell. Wherever the goat be, u can hear the bell.
每只羊儿身上都挂着铃铛, 有羊儿的地方就会听见清脆地铃铛声。。。
Flam wooden church. Only open during summer time.
Flam Camping and Youth Hostel.
There were car park to rent for camper vans. The bathroom and electricity are provided.
这旅店也租位子给露营车在这儿留宿, 供洗手间和电等等。这种旅游法子在澳洲和欧洲都很盛行,旅费还省下不少呢!
We stayed in a new building. It is a room for 2 person with private bathroom.
我们入住的这一栋是新建好的所以还很新。这是两人的房间 + 洗手间。虽然不大但还是很舒服。
There are many guest house provide share kitchen. The kitchen is fully with facilities, very convenient.
很多guest house 都设有公用的厨房。 这厨房设备很齐全只需自己带食材就行了,方便得很。
It was so energetic to breakfast with these two chickens.
This is a money changer machine whereby is it very convenient for us who do not bring any krone.
Souvenir shops and the only Bank.
Souvenir shops.
Cruise arrive every morning from Bergen.
Flam Railway Museum, free to visit.
弗拉姆火车的纪念馆, 免费让游客们参观。
Flam 弗拉姆小镇。
It was a cloudy day but the views still awesome.
We ride Fjord 1 to travelled around the fjords.
Gudvangen 小镇。
We left Flam with the last Flamsbana and here were the scenes during 7pm. The night is coming soon.
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