Wednesday, 9 May 2012

DIY Dog's Toys 宠物玩具

My German shepherd is a toy destroyer but she love soft toys very much.
During her hair drop season I collected a bag of her hair. I used some curtain to sew a ball and fill it up with those hair. She love the ball which is full of her smell very much. She still broke up the ball in 1 day time. Her nose and  mouth full with her own hair. Its funny....
The other soft toy is still exist where I just let her play when she is inside the house.

我家狼犬莎莎很爱毛绒玩具, 爱到爱不释口。所以一天不到就玩完可以送进垃圾桶了。
有次莎莎掉毛时期,几天就收集了一大包的毛发。 心血来潮就DIY了一个布球然后把那些毛发都塞进去。莎莎很爱那个充满自己味道的布球, 可在一天之内布球就拜拜了。。呵呵!

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