Poseidon with seabird @ Art Museum |

I stayed in Göteborg with husband since April'2012. Its almost end of winter but it is freezing for me as an Asian from a tropical country. Its raining most of the time, snow rain sometimes. Its hardly to see the sun over here maybe holidays at my homeland. However, the scenery is nice. We were enjoyed the relax and peaceful life in Göteborg.

Once May, Göteborg started to celebrate summer no matter its in good or bad weather. Its started happening and getting crowded along the streets. The sun is back from holidays around middle of the May this year. Everyone was happy to take sun bath at parks, riversides, balcony or etc. Although I felt cold but its really hot after few minutes sun bath. My skin start felt pain >.<.

The sun was went for vacations again after working a week in Göteborg. The rain & cold wind were back from work together most of the times. The sun is rare here, therefore everyone is appreciate for rays. The most higher temperature in Göteborg that I experienced was 27'C.

从四月开始就和老公一起住在Göteborg 。 四月是冬季的尾声可是还是很冷,常常下雨, 有时还会下场小雪。整个四月里差不多都是阴阴沉沉的, 太阳都度假去了。虽然冷可是景色很是不错哦!哥德堡是个悠闲的地方。大家都很享受生活。五月份一到, 不管天气如何Göteborg 都会开开心心的迎接夏天的到来。2012 的五月中,久违的太阳终于出来报到了。大家都开开心心的到公园或河边来个日光浴。可是对我来说真的是太热了啦!晒个十分钟都已经是极限了。

好景不长, 才一个礼拜多就要那努力工作的太阳说拜拜了。接下来的的天气除了阴天雨天, 还阴晴不定呢! 我才明白为什么大家会这么珍惜和阳光接触的机会,热辣辣的阳光在这儿真的很难得。 我还记得最热的那一天是27度。
Bike rental on the street. 自行车出租。 |
Transportation in Göteborg is quite convenience,
Västtrafik. There are few different type of Västtrafik card, can be get from convenience store like
Pressbyrån and 7-Eleven. Ticket is not selling onboard. If been found onboard without a valid ticket will be fine KR1200. Once scanned a ticket, you can freely to change between tram, bus and boat within 90mins. Älvsnabbare ferries run between Rosenlund and Lindholmspiren with free of charge during working hours. It is difference experience to view the city. For enjoy more view, we took tram no.11 to Saltholmen to take ferry for island views. If plan to visit a island bear in mind for the ferries timetable, you may miss the ferry and overnight on the island. For tourist, its worthy to go for
Gothenburg Card which included admission of all attractions, travel on public transport or parking and shopping discounts.
Islands view on ferry. 环岛景色。 |
哥德堡 的公共交通
Västtrafik相当方便有电车,巴士和船。 还有到处都能看见自行车出租。只要到便利商店如
Pressbyrån 和 7-Eleven都可以购买到Västtrafik卡。公共交通上是不售票的哦! 要是被检票员检出没票搭车可是会被罚款KR1200.
Västtrafik卡扫描一次能乘搭90分钟的公共交通包括电车,巴士和船。要是来观光, 可能
Gothenburg Card会比较划算。 要是想从船上欣赏又不想花钱就得搭上Älvsnabbare
和 Lindholmspiren, 但是在工作日时可是免费的哦! 想欣赏更多就得搭11号电车到Saltholmen码头去搭船
Styrsöbol\aget。可以选择不下船环岛游或者到某个岛上参观。可是得注意回程船班时间, 搞不好回不得还得留宿哦!
Islands view on ferry. 环岛景色。 |
If plan to visit countries nearby it is convenience to go with plane, ferry, bus and train. For which to choose all depend on the budget and time allowance.
Skansen Kronan is located at the steep hill of city centre.
Its open for public and a good view to enjoy the city from the top.
There is a restaurant inside the building.
Local even having their wedding dinner here.
Skansen Kronan 十七世纪的建筑物。 古堡里还有家餐厅呢!
Husband and I visited few places during our free times. Some are free some are chargeable. The tourism business and services are start on June. Before that all are closed. Must bear in mind for those who plan to visit Sweden and other countries nearby.
Skansen Kronan Restaurant entrance. 城堡餐厅的入口。 |
Trädgårdsföreningen is a nice garden and included cafe, greenhouse, kids play ground and etc. Its free of entry fee during off season.
这公园在淡季的时候是不收费的,里头有咖啡屋和温室等等。 |
Green house inside of Trädgårdsföreningen.
Trädgårdsföreningen 里头的热带雨林温室。不错看哦! |
Slottsskogen is a park located just beside the city centre. It is a 137 hectares English garden with fields for many sport and even zoo with many kinds of Swedish animals, penguins and seals ponds. It is no entry fee for parks or zoo.
Slottsskogen 就位于市中心旁边。它的面积有137公顷的英式公园,不但拥有多个不同类型的球场,美丽的草坪而且还有动物园呢!都是瑞典动物,小企鹅和海豹。这公园和动物园都是不收费的哦!
Slottsskogen Barnens Zoo is open for public.
Barnens Zoo 开放给公众参观,让大家和小动物有更亲密的接触更接近大自然。 |
Art Museum. 艺术博物馆。 |
Göteborg Opera. 哥德堡歌剧院。 |
Nordstan, the main shopping center. 主要的购物中心。 |
Bus waiting hall at Nil Ericsson Terminal. 巴士候车厅。 |
Train station at Centralstation. 火车站。 |
Gamla Ullevi, football stadium. Always happening. 常常都好不热闹的足球场。 |