Feskekôrka (Fish Church) 海鲜市场也被称作鱼之教堂。 |
在哥德堡吃,可是不便宜哦!随便吃吃路边摊也得花上kr25-100. kr25只能买到一舀冰淇淋。一个正餐至少也得花上KR150。 最经济的大概只有快餐了,Burger King 或McD。在一些鱼市场也能买得比较经济的便当, 比如
Feskekôrka (Fish Church) 或者Salluhallen (Sweden Fresh market)。
Enjoying your meal at river side... awesome!
买了便当还可以坐在河边欣赏着美景慢慢享用, 多么悠闲写意。 |
It is expensive to dine in Göteborg. KR25-100 can only get a snack like a hot dog. A scoop of ice-cream is cost about KR25 or more. A proper dining in Göteborg may cost at least KR150. For a budget traveller, can try for Burger King, it taste juicy and nice. And also picnic box at fresh market such as
Feskekôrka (Fish Church) or Salluhallen (Sweden Fresh market). Ikea's restaurant having good offer during weekdays and their breakfast set is not bad as well.
Feskekôrka Market. |
All kind of seafood in Feskekôrka. Feskekôrka里头都是琳琅满目的海鲜。 |
为了节省开支当然是自己煮咯! 在人生地不熟的情况下, 第一次购物就在邻近的7-Eleven。 后来相比之下7-Eleven的东西也不便宜呢!我和老公第一次光顾就买了超贵的鸡蛋和火腿,而且还过期了呢! 最好还是光顾本地商店。首选当然是LiDL, 接着有Netto,
Willy:s, Coop Konsum, Hemköp 和一些Asian Market。 另外, 4-Frukt的水果常常都会做促销。可是4-Frukt 在哥德堡市内只此一家就在Brunnsgatan 1, 2 号电车就能抵达。有时间的话也可BBQ 和野餐都是哥德堡常见的户外。在本地商店会出售一盒盒野餐用的BBQ盒, 方便且容易使用, 用完即弃。IKEA餐厅也是个不错的选择,工作天还有特价!假日早餐也不错呢!除了这些, 哥德堡也有一些跳蚤市场. 尤其在夏天。
Kviberg Market , Haga Church, car park of Slottsskogen and etc.

To save cost of course we plan to cook cause we have a complete kitchen in our apartment. Our first shop at 7-Eleven. We bought 4 eggs and small pack of ham. It is really expensive and been expired before the date we bought. It is better to shop at local markets. My first choice is
LiDL follow by
Willy:s, Coop Konsum ,
Hemköp and Asian Markets. Besides, there are always promotion on fruits at 4-Frukt. Its located at Brunnsgatan 1, can be reach by tram no.2.

I always think of barbecue at park but my husband interested. It is very common to barbecue or picnic at Göteborg parks no matter alone, with family or with pets. It is very convenience to get a barbecue box at local markets. The barbecue box normally come with lighter and just throw away after barbecue. Ikea's restaurant offer selected meals during weekdays and its breakfast set is not bad too.
There are some flea markets around certain area, especially in summer. Such as
Kviberg Market , Haga Church, car park of Slottsskogen and etc. Mostly selling unused or second hand goods such as household products, clothes, shoes, display items and etc. Snacks, food and flowers as well.
Here some own cooked meals and local food during our stay in Göteborg. 吃吃乐!
Sweet cocoa ball. Swedish snacks and found cheaper in Ikea.
瑞典甜点, 燕麦里头有点咖啡香被巧克力包裹着。外层再裹一层椰丝碎。有着多种层次的味道。 |
Sötsak Dammsugare. Swedish snacks and found cheaper in Ikea too and it is really sweet for me.
另一个瑞典甜点, 超甜的。两种甜点都能在IKEA找到还比较便宜呢! |
Caviar + swedish biscuit + cheese = yummy! 瑞典出产的鱼子酱,奶酪和饼干。好吃! |
Pickled herring with many different flavours. I bought it in Netto just KR1 each. I prefer fresh instead of pickled but no harm to try. 这也算是瑞典特产吧!多种味道的腌鲱鱼, Netto 特价时购买只花了KR1一瓶。 |
Pork steak + red radish mixed green salad + potatoes
烧烤酱猪扒, 小红萝卜沙拉 和土豆 |
Barbecue chicken, asparagus, eggplants, mushroom with rice. 烤鸡和烤蔬菜。 |
Breakfast! 早餐来咯! |
Vit Sparris with ham + mixed salad + potatoes
白芦笋和火腿, 沙拉和土豆。不知道是不是我不会煮白芦笋,每次都有点涩涩的还有点难咀嚼。 可能手艺不到家, 呵呵~ |
Extra size with spices sausage spaghetti. 特大香肠片和香料香肠意大利面, 好怀念哦! |