Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Sasa On Board

Sasa is 2 years old ++ now. Already a big big girl and can be level up to be mummy. Still short of time to go for details. Hopefully will upgrade her level as soon as possible ^^ Will do, will do ~
If really no time for it,  sorry to my dear Sasa....

Sasa photo shooting !

Dog Training

I train my German Shepherd dog by my own cause my time not allow me to send him for train on every weekend. Therefore, My husband and I train her when we are free. She is doing good and I was very happy when she knew play dead but she will dead until walk near to me and dead next on my foot. Its funny!

Go for professional dog training center if you are impatient and no free time to be with your dog. If your dog not listen to your command, it will be dangerous to others. From my experience, you can teach any skills to your dog. But better start with obedience training first to make sure that they will obey to your commands. Some dog training tips as following ~

- Always use small piece of trick/snack they like much for training. When time goes by, they will obey your commands automatically without any snacks.
- Award them if they obey your commands. They will willing to obey you in order to get the awards.
- Do not punish them while training For example scold, beat or smack, they will feel stress and do not like to be train.
- Always repeat the previous lesson before go for new skills.

Have fun with your fur-kids!!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

DIY Dog Snacks

I always use DIY snacks to train my gsd. Therefore, all these snacks are in small pieces.  She love it too. Once they love the snack, its easier for you to train them. My recipe as below and this snack is hard to bite for human but its easier for dog. You can try it,  have fun with your pet!

Crunchy Dehydrated Chicken Meats

1. Cut chicken breast into small pieces and cook in boiling water.
2. Drain it, put into oven.
3. Heat slowly until chicken meat is dry and it is ready to serve.

1. Flour + eggs+ sugar + milk + water for adjust the dough.
2. Once dough is ready, make it into mall pieces or in your preferable shape.
3. Bake slowly for 20-30mins until it is dry enough for keep then is ready to serve.
Optional : You can also try for others flavor that your dog's love it. For example, carrot, pumpkin, raisin, apple and etc.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Ayam & Babi Pongteh

*Oops! Keen to eat,  forgot to take the photo ready to serve =P
will post it next time ^^

Coconut sugarSalt
Tapioca starch
Dark Soy Sauce
Sesame Oil

Belly Pork
potato, carrot, small onion, garlic

Steps :
1. Cut meat into small piece, marinate it with sesame oil, pepper, salt and tapioca starch.

2. Heat some oil, fry chopped garlic & onion until fragrance.
3. Add in taucu and fry till fragrance.
4. Add in meats fry for awhile then add in carrot & potato.
5. Fry for few minutes, pour in water until almost cover all the ingredients.

6. After boiling, add in dark sauce and coconut sugar cook slowly about 30-45mins. Then is ready to serve.

Tips :
1. Meats can be either chicken/pork or both, I'm using belly pork for this time.
2. Always stir it while cooking to avoid scorch or uncooked.
3. Cook longer if want the meats taste softer.

腌制青芒果 Marinated Mango

芒果 Mango
盐 Salt
醋 Vinegar
水 Water

Optional : Chilli padi or sour plum (cut into small piece)

把 芒果削皮切成小块,清洗干净。
Peel the mango and cut into small piece, rinse off.
Put in a bigger bowl add in salt and water, toss well.
Leave it marinate for 1 hour.

Drain it by using a colander, leave it to dry for about 30mins.
把半干的芒果放入罐里, 加入糖和醋。(小辣椒或者酸梅也在这时候加入)
Place mango into a jar add in sugar and vinegar. ( Add chili padi or sour plum in your preference)
Toss well, close jar lid and put it refrigerator.
Marinated mango is ready to be serve by next day.

小贴士 Tips:
Water will be drawn out from marinated mango by next day. Toss the mango leave it marinated well.