Wednesday, 9 May 2012

小吃 > 芝麻紫菜 Sesame Seaweed Snack

做这道小吃之前就是做意大利脆饼。意大利脆饼的时候剩下一些蛋黄, 所以就可以用蛋黄延续下一道小吃啦!就是这道炸芝麻紫菜饼。还特意加了我最爱的芝麻, 好好吃哦!
There were some egg yolks left after Italian Biscotti get done. I used those egg yolks continued for this snacks. I also add on my preferable sesame into it. 

Ingredients :
  • 紫菜片 seaweed sheets
  • 鸡蛋 eggs
  • 芝麻 sesame
  • 薄饼皮 popiah sheets
  • 油 oil

1. Whisk the eggs and apply on a popiah sheet.
 - 将鸡蛋打散,涂一层蛋汁在一张薄饼皮上。
2. Put some sesame on the popiah sheet.
 - 撒上一些芝麻。
3. Stick a seaweed sheets on the popiah sheet.
 - 铺上一张紫菜片, 把紫菜片黏上薄饼皮。
4. Cut it into preferable size and continue repeat to others.
 - 用剪刀剪出自己喜欢的尺寸。
5. After get it done, fried it into light gold.
 - 准备好后放入油锅炸至金黄色,捞起隔油。
6. Leave it cold completely and its ready to serve.
 - 待冷后就完成啦!

DIY Dog's Toys 宠物玩具

My German shepherd is a toy destroyer but she love soft toys very much.
During her hair drop season I collected a bag of her hair. I used some curtain to sew a ball and fill it up with those hair. She love the ball which is full of her smell very much. She still broke up the ball in 1 day time. Her nose and  mouth full with her own hair. Its funny....
The other soft toy is still exist where I just let her play when she is inside the house.

我家狼犬莎莎很爱毛绒玩具, 爱到爱不释口。所以一天不到就玩完可以送进垃圾桶了。
有次莎莎掉毛时期,几天就收集了一大包的毛发。 心血来潮就DIY了一个布球然后把那些毛发都塞进去。莎莎很爱那个充满自己味道的布球, 可在一天之内布球就拜拜了。。呵呵!